Friday, February 25, 2022

Une Petite Chaise Bleue

Soooo my French title is a bit pretentious but the story isn't. This is a tale of ...


Once upon a time, there was a cute little blue chair that belonged to a cute little child. It got sat on, dragged around, climbed on, dinged, nicked, and played with. Eventually, the owner outgrew his little blue chair and the sad little chair got tossed unceremoniously onto mom and dad's weekly garbage pile. Poor little blue chair, all alone and sitting on the curb.

A nice lady who was out walking her dog spotted the little chair. This little chair is too cute to be dumped into the monstrous, groaning, squealing, trash truck she thought. She had her dog leash in one hand, but was able to pick up the little chair in her other hand and carry it to her nice, warm home.

The nice lady went to her friend for help. "Can you paint this little chair and make it cute and happy again?" she asked.


Her friend loved to paint and agreed to try to help.  

First, she gave the chair a nice bath. Then, she sanded, filled holes and cracks, and sanded again.  Blue dust flew all around.  Finally, she got a cloth and wiped off all the dust.

The chair was ready, but ready for what?

It needed some fresh, bright coats of white paint. The chair looked sparkly and new.

Next, the friend had to think and think. What would make the small chair, and a possible new small owner happy and not afraid? Should she paint trucks, or fish, or storybook characters?

"I know," she said. "The little chair needs some bright colours and cute animals painted on it."

Since it was a very little chair, it was difficult to make tiny animals with paint. She tried using a pencil, but it left ugly marks, and she didn't like how the chair was starting to look when she added paint. It deserved a lot more thought, love, and detail.
Once again, the tiny chair got re-painted white. This time, the friend decided to make a pattern, or template for the chair seat. She used a square of construction paper and drew each animal. Then she cut and taped, moved them around, and reassembled until she was satisfied with their size and placement. This was a better idea.

After painting the background, she used erasable charcoal to draw the animals onto the seat.
When she was satisfied with her drawing, it came time to paint and add a few details. It took bright lights, a steady hand, and lots of patience to get all the animals the way she wanted them to look, but soon the chair was finished. With a quick protective gloss coat of fixative, the chair became bright and shiny and new.


When the chair was finished, the nice lady came to pick it up from her friend. She took it to her little grandson's house where there was a beautiful quilt that coincidentally matched the animals on the chair. The little chair had a new home and had a cute, new little owner. Everyone was happy.

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