Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yayyy...A Senior Badge & Life Update

Apparently I have now contributed enough reviews to Tripadvisor to receive a "senior badge". I have no idea what that is but I have it. I'd pin it on myself and walk proudly around the house, but alas...I think it might be a virtual badge. I'm a firm believer in rewarding people for their efforts, but somehow, I don't think virtual rewards have the same impact as tangible things like stickers, crowns, certificates, prizes or money. Here's the review which earned me the distinction. Nothing special, just sharing about a nice café from my recent trip to St. Jacob's.

Other than this, I'm not certain what alien has taken over my body. Actually, that's a bad analogy since I just gave away my purple inflatable alien to a thrift store. I've been ripping apart my house yet again trying to downsize, organize and sort. More on that in tomorrow's blog. I completed and submitted my next column yesterday even though it's not due until Monday. It is scheduled to be published on Friday the thirteenth...uh oh.

I've signed on for three months of Weight Watchers online after being inspired by my stepdaughter who has lost over 90 pounds. More on that later as well. At this time, it sufficeth to say it's more than a small struggle, as all weight issues are. The points system seems so easy until you finish lunch and discover you have no points left for the rest of the day. Fortunately, my 5 km of walking a day and my time at the gym give me a few bonus points. I'm hanging in. It's a learning process just as my cell phone was.

Today, I made a recipe from the "Weight Watchers in 20 minutes " cookbook. It took me an hour. The recipe was "Curry Dusted Shrimp with Mango-Ginger Sauce". Easy...not. I cooked some Deer River wild rice with it.  Pretty good tasting. There's enough rice and also enough mango sauce left from this meal that I've decided to make mango chicken another day. Perhaps I'll turn this into a cooking blog. Might get me more followers.
Anyhow, this will definitely be my last kick at the weight loss can. It's exhausting. Having said that, next Sunday will be my macaron making class in the big city. I wonder how many weight watchers points are in those? Best I start jogging and zumba-ing and saving points. Either that, or I resist eating them. Is that even possible?

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