Thursday, May 19, 2016

Let There Be Blogs

I know, I know. There's been a blog drought yet again. On the other hand, those who know me well, also know why. For the past six months, I have been working on a few major projects. By major, I mean so large that no one human being my age should be attempting this. In fact, no human being half my age should attempt same.

People have said things like "I don't know how you do it all."

Ok, maybe I've just heard me saying that very loudly to myself. Although in fairness, people used to say that to me when I was younger and accomplished three times my current range of activities while working and raising a family.

Anyhow, for someone who was going to retire, read, write, paint, and travel...well. There's been evidence of a few of those activities but not to the extent that I had once imagined. Sometimes, in life we take detours. We make choices. Sometimes, we garden when we don't enjoy gardening. We cook when we thought we'd given it up. We do housework when we have no further need to waste our remaining time on earth on such trivial activities. We plan parties and celebrations when we need to honour one of the important people in our lives, despite our age and energy level.

On May 22, 2011, the occasion of hubby's 75th birthday, I wrote about "Papa's Progressive Parties".
He likes parties. He likes celebrations. He likes receiving attention. He likes cake. He likes presents. He admits it and does not pretend otherwise or try to demonstrate false modesty. I admire that.

Everyone knows that when one turns 80, it's even more special. What a milestone! And...if one turns 80 and around the same time celebrates the 50th anniversary of a very special career choice, well, there's a bit of wifely pressure to perform a few miracles of her own.

Before Christmas, the planning, organizing, and scheming began. What would be the best weekend to combine two celebrations, for maximum impact and attendance? Mother's Day, the date closest to his birthday would not be a good weekend choice. Victoria Day, not good either but the weekend in between seemed ideal. May 14/15, 2016 it would be.

This year in May, we marked another month of celebrations. The eventual upcoming blogs this time shall be entitled, "Adam's Awesome Adventures".

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