Tis the season isn't it? I've been slow on the uptake this year...both with my blog and with any form of shopping, but I'm gradually getting there. I may not manage to come up with gifts for everyone this Christmas. If I don't, there are always some scraps of paper around for promisory notes. Perhaps I can even get each person to fill in the blanks with what they'd like. Yes, I believe this is a much better idea than giving gifts. Wait...no it isn't. Gifts are always better although the best gifts in my mind are experiences which create lifelong and hopefully good memories.
So this brings me to the current seasonal blog about some smaller experiences.
I saw a post on Facebook that went something like "Isn't it more fun spending $97 to make something yourself rather than purchasing it for $10?" It's amazing how true some of these jokes can become.
My first effort trying to get into the Christmas spirit went something like this. I stared at the ever enduring fall flowers in the assorted planters around the exterior of the house. Perhaps, considering the mild weather this year, they'll last through December I thought. The big purple cabbage like plants looked healthy, but purple. The orange and brown chrysanthemums were not quite the colour of the season, but maybe a bit of spray paint or glitter plus a few bows and boughs would solve that.
After hubby mentioned that he could trim the bottom branches from our pine trees, I thought better of my original laziness. I'd seen many planters at stores costing in excess of $30 and all they consisted of was a bunch of branches, some twigs, a couple of pinecones, a bow, and sometimes, some large Christmas balls on sticks. I could do that. In fact, I probably already owned most of those things.
I spent about ten minutes pine needle arranging, during which time I particularly enjoyed the injections of sap into my body through my hands and arms. After accomplishing pretty much nothing, I realized that my Dollarama pine cones were too small, I had tossed out my artificial berry branches in an effort to downsize, and my Christmas balls on sticks were the wrong colour...and too small. On the bright side, I did have some sinamay for the bow. This venture would require shopping.
Nonetheless, here's the result. Quite attractive I'd say.
It didn't cost $97 but once one considers the time, the tree branch trimming, treks to the store to repurchase what was given away, antihistamine for the aforementioned sap issue....well....
Attempting to combine the joy of creation with the spirit of the season, a friend and I registered for a class at a florist. It was a Grinch tree making class and seemed reasonable at $55 for the session and materials. Besides, who wouldn't want a Grinch tree?
By the time we arrived at our work stations, people had already snatched up the best colours of wire, ribbon, ornaments, and the like. On the other hand, it was going to be a Grinch tree...no need for perfection or matching of baubles.
I stared enviously at the woman next to me who had clearly also made a planter at home, and having a better memory than me, remembered the agony of the pine. She had brought lovely orange garden gloves. Oh well, I preferred to become one with my tree. I wanted to feel the love as I created the perfect....er....never mind.
Imagine my surprise when there was no tree at the work station. There was a Santa suit tin can containing wet oasis, some cedar and pine, a ribbon, some wire (mine was now ugly metal since that was what was left) and other assortments of goods. Of course, there was the option of purchasing more elaborate decorations but since I'd had previous experience (a fairy garden...blog April 20th), I knew better and declined.
The demonstration consisted of putting the branches in the oasis, wrapping with wire, bending, decorating with balls, and voila, a tree....simple. Some branches were a bit scruffier than others. I trimmed my loose tree hairs, giving it a nice haircut. I then tried to pry my sticky fingers off the clippers. When I attempted to separate enough of my fingers from each other, so that I might pick up and admire my creation, my mind wandered as I wondered whether tree sap was one of the ingredients in crazy glue. A song came to mind. "I wander as I wonder....." or is it "I wonder as I wander"?
I heard my friend's voice and I snapped back to reality. "I need purple things on my tree. Maybe I'll buy this." she announced as she held up something akin to a giant piece of fan coral but sparkly and purple. Thankfully, I talked her out of it. I know, I know. I shouldn't have. It was her "experience".
After a few hours of creating, off I went, proud of my accomplishment yet again.

My Grinch tree currently adorns my living room. I haven't had the heart to put it outside. In fact, since my summer plants are still thriving on the porch, and might be there for the season, I suppose the tree had better stay where it is for now...unless that is, I need the spot for pens and scraps of paper so that people might write their wish lists on promisory notes this Christmas.