I've been locked out of blogspot for various reasons unbeknownst to me, so I wasted much of my time and my life on minutia and unimportant things like cooking, paperwork, and housework. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, there have been highlights despite the pandemic years. I've visited with friends and family and had a few shorter adventures. I'll try to add these blogs from time to time (assuming I can get back in here), however, first, let's get on with it.
I recently came across a quote which seems to speak to me. I have no idea what genius said it but sadly, it wasn't me.
" Time speeds up when your runway gets shorter."
I'm afraid I'm at an age where I have no idea how much longer my runway is.
On June 10, 2010 I wrote the following blog. I also crossed a few things off my list at some point over the years. Those items were either accomplished, an opportunity lost, or no longer relevant. I'm fairly certain I'll be reviewing and redoing the whole thing before too long.
Hard to believe it's been fifteen years.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010/ and revised slightly today.
Realistic 2025 list coming soon.
My Bucket List
This got me thinking about "Bucket Lists". What is the appropriate protocol for creating this? Are you allowed to keep adding things to your bucket list? What if you run out of stuff, have done it all and aren't dead? Is that a problem? So here is the beginning of my list. It is by no means complete and not in order of preference. Some items are fun, some a little more serious.
I haven't included on my list such activities as rock climbing, ocean kayaking, hot air ballooning, white water rafting, helicopter flight, roller blading/ ice skating on a ship, scuba diving, sharpshooting, archery, driving on the Mosport race track, raising poultry or picking dew worms. I've done that. It also doesn't contain bungee jumping or eating maggots. I won't do that.
Here's what I have so far, in no particular order.
Write my own eulogy (I want it to be good)
Go out with a man who is wearing a tuxedo (hmmm....any offers?)
Go from Florida to the Bahamas in a hovercraft.
Speaking of the Queen,
Go to the Quebec Winter Carnival and see Bonhomme (hurrayyyyy...going next week, will report back)
Go to the Rose Bowl Parade or get someone to give me a bowl of roses during a parade
Take a river cruise (preferably on one that's not overflowing or dried up)
Ride on the Trans Siberian Railway
See a live World Series game (preferably with Blue Jays in it)
See at least 5 things on the list of "World's Largest" (I think I've seen the world's largest goose so far if it's in Wawa)
Organize a photo album for each of my kids (so they remember the great things I did for them...getting there)
Paint some pictures (I've done walls, now on to smaller things)
Take a university course
Be a mystery shopper
Take a flower arranging course
Go to the WLU 50th alumni reunion in 2020 (oops...too late...maybe 60th)
Attend the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico
Go to the Kentucky Derby, wear a hat and drink a mint julep
Enter a contest - writing or photo/Win a contest (lotteries count)
Go to "The Gun Store" in Las Vegas and fire an unusual weapon
Live in a houseboat (nawwww...remove)
Go to misc. festivals -Toronto film, authors
Attend a Canadian (or other) figure skating competition
Ride a segway (glutton for punishment?)
Go see a groundhog on Feb. 2....Wiarton or Pux..er...you know
See some live local and non local t.v. shows - Kimmel? too late for Oprah, Letterman or Ellen, but saw Mary Berg and Marilyn Denis
Visit these pie in the sky places: Galapagos, Dubai, Antarctica (not on foot, maybe a cruise), NZ/Australia, Africa (pyramids and wildlife), Mediterranean, Newfoundland (Fogo,
***Note to self - Go back through blogs and correct spelling and grammatical errors...or maybe not. I think I've written far too many and usually, I just spew and don't proof read too much.